Do you know who’s building Wisconsin?

in cooperation with

This Bidder Database
includes public information on over 12,000 contractors.

Find out who’s building OUR STATE

public Infrastructure projects provide jobs, economic growth and improve the quality of life within our communities.

Who we choose to build public projects speaks to our values as a state.

According to State law, public projects — like highways, water systems and fire stations — go to the “lowest responsible bidder.”

However, the lowest bid isn’t always the most responsible choice. When we employ truly responsible bidders, we do the following:



Last year, Wisconsin lost over $200M in tax revenue through unethical business practices. By employing responsible contractors, we ensure taxpayer dollars are used wisely.


provide certainty for project owners

Project owners can rely on responsible contractors to deliver projects on time, on budget and with fewer headaches. By awarding jobs to higher-quality bidders, we receive higher-quality work.


Keep communities Safe

When we hold contractors to low-grade standards, we put our communities in danger. By establishing a clear standard of bidder responsibility, we can rest easy knowing projects will be done right with our community and our worker’s wellbeing in mind.

Find out who’s building Wisconsin

 Information has been gathered from state and federal agencies, Wisconsin state courts, federal courts, municipal clerks and a variety of other public sources to aggregate a database on public project bidders.

For questions on navigating the Bidder Database or making corrections/additions, please email Cheryl Louis at